Group 1: Studies in language and literature
Group 1 subjects focus on studies of native languages
2014 Zulu A SL Paper 1
2014 Zulu A SL Paper 2
2000 Afrikaans A HL Paper 1
2004 Afrikaans A HL Paper 1
2004 Afrikaans A HL Paper 2
2005 Afrikaans A HL Paper 1
2005 Afrikaans A HL Paper 2
Group 2: Language Acquisition
Group 2 subjects are languages that are learnt and are often less rigorous than group 1 subjects
Arabic ab initio
2002 Arabic ab initio Paper 1
2002 Arabic ab initio Paper 2
French B
2000 French B HL Paper 1
Group 3: Individual & Societies
Group 3 subjects studies how people interact, they include humanities and social sciences
2001 Geography HL/SL Paper 1
2002 Geography HL/SL Paper 2
Group 4: Natural Sciences
The centre of group 4 subjects is how we understand our world and the implications
Sports Science
2012 Sports, Exercise, and Health Science Paper 1
2012 Sports, Exercise, and Health Science Paper 2
Group 5: Mathematics
IBDP Mathematics studies topics such as calculus and statistics and focus on the implications in real life
Further Math
2000 Further Maths SL Paper 1
2000 Further Maths SL Paper 2